How to update your Grubhub delivery instructions

In this article, we will walk you through the steps on how to update your Grubhub delivery instructions so the delivery driver knows to use the Minnow Pickup Pod.

Step 1. Open/login to the Grubhub app

Step 2. Select the "person" icon in the top right and click on "account"


Step 3. Select the "address and phone" option on the left and click "edit" next to your address


Step 4. In the "delivery instructions" field add "Deliver to the food locker located in the lobby."

  • IMPORTANT - If your Minnow Pickup Pod is not easily seen from the main lobby, please leave instructions on where the delivery driver can find the pod.
    • Example: "Please place the delivery in the food locker located next to the mailboxes in the back left of the lobby"


Step 5. Click "submit"