Fish Food

Living & working in a world with COVID-19

Written by Christopher Stanvick | Dec 21, 2021 3:33:54 PM
Before social distancing became a global practice, we recognized a turning point for food delivery to office and multifamily buildings. A turning point that relied on three crucial aspects: self-service technology, safety and convenience.

Of course, with COVID-19 affecting every aspect of our lives - self service food pick ups grew from an idea, to an imperative for tenants, property managers, and the commercial real-estate industry as a whole. It’s within this context that Minnow's IoT platform is changing food delivery.

Here are just a few of current trends we are looking at:

  • How IoT is is dominating the food delivery industry
  • How self-service technology will become the norm in the post-pandemic era
  • How food delivery technology and other wellness amenities impact office culture
  • The overall impact of food delivery technology on property management
Co-existing in a world with COVID-19 has provided a stark reminder that innovation comes from crises. The pandemic has shaken up design thinking methods and forced innovation to meet the evolving needs of consumers. We will be further discussing these topics on our blog, and invite you to join in on the discussion.